In this post, you could re-trace all fan art and gifts that Adli has received from Wishers (viewers). This archive probably gonna be useful for people who want to know more about the artists or the one who ordered the arts or who is the gifter of certain gifts. Per September 2023, only digital arts and gifts will be shown here as I (Adli) haven't received any physical arts or gifts to this date.
While certainly not in line with the title and the theme, in case anyone is curious about other form of support that Adli have received (such as donation, bits, subscription), you can visit this link to see the recap of all donations that Adli have received till this date.
Thank you so much, for all the support. While it probably seems small, it's actually not, and actually helping a lot, for me.
Fan Arts
- Title: Adli looks Discontent, by ShortBurstID.
- Received on: Saturday, 02 September 2023 - 01:10 am.
- Find out more about ShortBurstID through Instagram, Twitter, Twitch.

- Title: Adli in Balanced Life looks, by ShortBurstID.
- Received on: Saturday, 02 September 2023 - 03:13 pm.
- Find out more about ShortBurstID through Instagram, Twitter, Twitch.

- Title: Chibi of Adli_HM by RitsukeXD.
- Received on: Tuesday, 12 September 2023 - 03:17 pm.
- Find out more about RitsukeXD through Twitter, or Twitch.

Game Gifts
- Game Title: LIMBO.
- Gifter: SunQuatchi.
- Received on: Thursday, 24 November 2023 - 09:03:20 pm.
- Find out more about SunQuatchi through Twitch.
Thank you for reading this post :))